Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bend it like Beck

After having struck soft targets in the Obama adminstration Glenn Beck is doing his best Sen. Joseph McCarthy impersonation and looking for a bigger prize. On his list is one Cass Sunstein who will likely be confirmed as President Obama's head of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. While advertisers have been watching Beck and reacting accordingly, it seems that the Obama administration's officials haven't done the same. If Geico is prepared to bail on Beck in order to deny him legitimacy, then why did Anthony "Van" Jones grant him legitimacy by bailing out of his post as Green 'Czar.' While Jones made some bad choices, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford made worse ones and Sanford is still hanging onto his office despite a storm of protests. Now Yosi Sergant of the National Endowment for the Arts has been demoted from his position as communications director because of Beck. Beck has rated some hard-earned derision because of his self-contradictory antics. At this point, no one in the Obama administration should be making any decisions based on Beck's call.

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