Monday, August 23, 2010

Pakistan's crises, the world's problem

Okay, so first Wikileaks confirmed for us that the Pakistanis are not our friends, having taken our money in one hand, and backing the Afghan insurgency with the other. Now we learn that the Pakistanis have been busy sinking peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government for their own petty national interests. And the Pakistani government is not the most trustworthy ally to begin with. But their pointless rivalry with India, especially in regards to Kashmir threatens to ensure that the region will remain unstable and all because the Pakistan govenrment feels the need to feel good about itself, especially at a time when it can ill-afford the ill will of the rest of the world. However, it's would-be Arab Muslim allies won't come to it's aid in this difficult time. In the wake of the recent floods, the European nations continue to send aid out of the goodness of their hearts and because it is the right thing to do. But with a 'friend' like Pakistan, how long can it expect to continue to count on aid from its Western allies when its effort to thwart peace in Afghanistan continues to get NATO troops killed?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stay for 'The Other Guys' end credits

If the movie "The Other Guys" turns out to be in any way memorable, it will be for these end titles. If these graphics don't get your stomach turning you either have scandal fatigue or you're not paying attention (or you're a clueless Wall Street investment banker, if so, you're not reading this blog anyway).

Total props to the gentle folk at Bleeding Cool. Thanks for sharing.