Monday, August 3, 2009

The Apple in Google's eye

An Apple - Google War may be in the offing. Twin shots were fired on Monday. The first involves the FCC they want AT&T and Apple to do some 'splainin' as to why, exactly, Google's Voice ap for the iPhone has been rejected. The FCC wants to know what did AT&T and Apple know, and when did they know it. The second shot was fired when Google CEO Eric Schmidt resigned from Apple's Board of Directors citing 'potential conflicts of interest.' The FTC has been getting curious about the relationship between the two companies and possible violations of antitrust regulations. It may be just as well since Google is now aiming for the commuter IT market to get them to switch to Google Apps. Probably just as well. For a company that has taken "Do no Evil," it's looming multifront war against Microsoft, Apple and AT&T may force Google to make some morally questionable choices to win.

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