Monday, February 9, 2009

Get out of Purgatory free card

The Vatican has decided to revive Plenary Indulgences. For non-Catholics and for Catholics under a certain age, the practice is a decidedly curious one. In keeping with the "What You hold on Earth, I'll hold in Heaven" deal Christ made with Peter, the most recent keeper of the throne has brought back this practice, probably so he can be absolved in his turn for ex-excommunicating a Holocaust denier. It only works to get out of Purgatory though, not Hell. Funny how that works. In the Catholic mythology, Purgatory is the place for those who aren't bad enough for Hell but aren't good enough for Heaven. But Purgatory is only for Catholics, which of course leaves everyone else scratching their heads. And of course, there are rules to this sort of thing. You can't buy them outright anymore, and not every church is making the offer. So check the fine print.

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