Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crouching leaders, rampaging dragon

King George, the Decider, is canceling a trip to 'Bama to hammer out a plan for slaying the dragon currently trampling the economy underfoot. Not that it would normally take a crisis to cancel a trip to Alabama, mind you, but it also resulted in the canceling of a trip to Florida, which does require a crisis, at least in an election year. In the meantime, Congress is suffering from ED -- economic dysfunction -- and is sending Barney Frank to get in the executive branch's grill over where it should have sole economic war powers. And in the meantime, the Fed continues to open the dikes and flood the market downstream with greenbacks. But Michael Bloomberg is warning that the fiscal retention lake may dry up and create yet another crisis downstream. Chances are, by then King George will have made his last trip to Crawford and someone else will be the Decider.

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