Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Iran so far away

During a stop in Malaysia, Iranian President Mahmoud I'm-a-loon-jihadi declared that there wouldn't "be any war in the future." To bad that he doesn't get to decide that. The military answers to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and they announced their latest military drill on their Web site, and stated that if they are attacked, Tel Aviv and the U.S. fleet in the Persian Gulf will be targeted. The results of a 2002 war game in the gulf are less than reassuring. Even as India now moving forward with the passage of a deal with the U.S. over it's nuclear program, the standoff over Iran's nuclear program continues, with Iran saying it is unwilling to suspend its uranium enrichment program. While the U.S. and Israel have had nothing to say on this latest outburst by Iran, only time will tell if there's a war with Iran or not.

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