I was a productive member of the workforce until July of 2012.
I was a veteran of the First Gulf War and now I was unemployed. Had it not been
for the social services that my taxes help to support my new address would have
been a cardboard box under the I-95 underpass.
As I came to understand Gov. Romney’s point of view, what I
realized is that he doesn’t serve citizens, he serves shareholders. It must be
said that I had an encounter with a good, thoughtful and hard working woman
from Massachusetts who supported Romney. She noted that the state’s citizens
loved him and that he was willing to reach across the aisle to get things done.
That may even have been true at one point in history. Like the
John McCain who ran against George W. Bush in 2000, the Romney she knew, the
Romney who created a system that became the basis for Obamacare, might have
been a president worth electing.
But the problems for me were insurmountable. First was his
history of vulture capitalism at Bain Capital. Did all of those people have to
lose their jobs? What did Romney and his compatriots see in those people he
cut: numbers or human lives? Did Bain under Romney truly create value for
America, or did it just create more money for shareholders? It seems to be the
case that it was the latter rather than the former. And his comment about being
a member of the unemployed did not endear him to me as a reluctant member of
the 7.8 percent. Second, all of his earnings are capital gains, and most of the
7.8 percent not only cannot relate to that and do not benefit from it in any
way. A good chunk of his earning are not on the tax rolls earning dividends for
America in the form of investments in education, defense and infrastructure.
Third, that he demeaned 47 percent of the population betrays a lack of
graciousness and a lack of gratitude. He is the ultimate entitlement baby because
his entire campaign has been because he seems to think he is entitled to the
The American people are citizens, not shareholders. America
is a country, not a corporation. If you mean to lead the country, then you must
embrace the fact that the president’s constituency is not the 1 percent, or
even the 53 percent: it is the 100 percent. Gratitude is a mark of nobility and
the absence of gratitude is distressing. No one is entitled to the presidency,
least of all Gov. Mitt Romney.
I weighted him, I measured him and I found Gov. Romney sorely
1 comment:
BsigUC 57.I share your point of view, but I add his molding of himself to whatever he thinks will get elected, constantly chnges his so-called belief, won't divulge his tax returns, lies, approves false ads, etc, blah, blah, blah. He is totally out of touch with common man. Shows disdain for the common man. Wants to cut taxes on the rich. Refuses to lay out his plans, just uses broad concepts. Has Ryan for a VP candidate. How do you get an IRA the size of his when there are tax limits? Uses his church as a means to make money and avoid taxes. Said (I paraphases)
that he had other things to do rather than go to Viet Nam. Put his dog on the roof of his car. I could go on and on...
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