Monday, September 28, 2009

Blame it on those right-wing Stonecutters

Does it qualify as a conspiracy if everyone knows about it? Led by everybody's favorite, fun-time mad man, former President Bill Clinton is claiming the vast right-wing conspiracy is back and "virulent as it was" when he was in the oval office. They want President Obama to fail he said. A conspiracy also implies coordination, and while the right wing is indeed focused, that's not exactly the same thing. Clinton also pointed out that three things are different now than they were back in the day: 1) the population is more diverse; 2) the GOP had control of the government, got drunk and then wrapped it around a telephone pole; and 3) the Dems aren't engaging in a shooting war with the NRA. He also pointed out that the conspiracy machine isn't good for either the Republicans or the country. On the other hand, spreading propaganda against the democratic president ranks further down the ladder than killing a Italian banker.

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