Demonstrating that what is immoral isn't necessarily illegal, the people at GITMO and Langley will get off the hook for waterboarding and other acts of enhanced interrogation. Apparently they require "confidence" to continue doing their jobs. However, Team Obama is releasing releasing four secret memos from the Bush administration on the matter. Three of those memos were written by the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), Stephen G. Bradbury. The Fourth was the product of the razzle-dazzle dynamic duo OLC lawyer John Yoo and Jay Bybee. The CIA argued for redacting the memos under the "if you publish, they will learn and undercut our methods" argument, while the ACLU, which had pushed for publication, made "the public deserves full disclosure" argument. Congresscritters are already sounding off on the documents, with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick J. Leahy calling them "chilling." And while Obama isn't necessarily wrong when he says "This is a time for reflection, not retribution," seeking a little bit of justice would seem to be just as a laudible a goal.
1 comment:
Wow. When will the current administration recognize the Bush administrations for what they were? No one will ever take the US seriously until the Bush family is tried for their crimes and executed.
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