10:06 p.m. -- Peace Out! Good night everybody! I'm here all week. Don't forget to tip the wait staff.
10:04 p.m. -- A poor grade school girl in South Carolina wrote to Congress seeking aid for her school. To bad she didn't have well-endowed PAC.
10:03 p.m. -- Greenberg, Kansas ... because Greenberg, Texas is a podunk.
10 p.m. -- As we stand at this crossroads in history ... we wait to get hit by a bus.
"Hope is found in unlikely places," ... under the bus.
9:59 p.m. -- The obligatory line regarding peace in the Middle East.
9:57 p.m. -- Our armed forces will finally get a pay raise! GITMO is to be closed. "Living our values make us safer and stronger. ... The United States does not torture."
9:55 p.m. -- He will end the War in Iraq! Wait, there's a war in Iraq?
"I will not allow terrorists to plot against the United States from safehavens half-way around the world."
Pakistan is so boned.
9:47 p.m. -- "We do what it takes to bring this deficit down."
Congresscritters don't like the idea of cutting earmarks.
Two trillion dollars in savings in the next federal budgets. Good luck getting that through Congress.
9:44 p.m. -- Our schools need more reform. "Dropping out of high school is no longer an option."
Oh hey! Something the GOP can stand up for.
9:43 p.m. -- Health care will not wait ... we start next week.
9:40 p.m. -- The crushing cost of health care. "We can no longer afford to put health care reform on hold."
Are the legs of Congress' GOP members broken?
We will cure cancer ... umm is this the State of the Union or an episode of the West Wing?
9:39 p.m. -- Speaking of our auto industry ...
9:36 p.m. -- Energy, healthcare and education. The three priorities. Oh, and did we mention it's time for America to lead again. Renewable energy ... umm, by the way, where is Bender?
9:33 p.m. -- He's providing a historical perspective. Oh, oh, Obama's prepared for this exam.
9:31 p.m. -- "It's not about helping banks, it's about helping people." Somewhere, a bunch of bank executives are now drinking themselves blind.
9:30 p.m. -- "Our job is to solve the problem." Good luck with that.
9:27 p.m. -- Banks will be held accountable. Expect the Stock Market to crash 300 points at opening bell tomorrow. It'll give new meaning the words Ash Wednesday.
9:25 p.m. -- "Nobody messes with Joe!" Ain't that right.
Even if we get the economic stimulus right, it'll be choked off if the banks don't start lending again. When there's no lending, the economy grinds to a halt. Oh, oh, new lending initiative to fund another bank executive's bathroom remodeling plans.
9:23 p.m. -- You'll have to wait until April 1 to see that tax cut in your paycheck. Figures.
9:19 p.m. -- The Day of Reckoning has arrived. And we're off to the economic agenda.
9:17 p.m. -- Biden is already bored, looking at the State of the Union commerative booklet.
9:15 p.m. -- He's going to speak frankly. And the lead off ... the economy. Who knew?
"We will rebuild, we will recover." We will build it stronger, better, faster. We have the technology.
9:14 p.m. -- Speaker of the House ... then the prez.
BTW: Who let the generals out?
9:12 p.m. -- Speech. Speech!
9:11 p.m. -- Is male pattern baldness a constitutional requirement for holding federal office?
9:08 p.m. -- Barack Obama has just entered the Chamber. Sorry, no autographs.
9:07 p.m. -- Okay, one more puff, then the president will be ready for his close up.
9:03 -- Madam Speaker, the President's Cabinet, which will be followed by his sink, furnature and toasters.
He's got a pair of cabinet members who look they're still in high school! How did that happen?
And here we have Madam Clinton. She's not bitter. Oh no, not at all ... didn't the post of Secretary of State used to be the stepping stone to the Oval Office in the Pleoscene era of American politics?
9:02 p.m. -- Okay, who lost the president? Probably stopped for a smoke.
Oh wait we did find his wife.
9 p.m. -- The Chief and associate justices of the Supreme Court!
8:59 p.m. -- The Dean of the Diplomatic Corps has just arrived! Make a hole!
8:55 p.m. -- Our meeting will come to order and a rather large committee consisting of approximately half of the chamber is to go out and get the President and escort him to the chamber. How could they possibly screw that up?
Totally random camera shots: A woman shaking hands with a member of the Capitol police in the upper gallery; the cast of thousands invited to witness this address.
8:47 p.m. -- Is Pelosi wearing a green hoodie to this affair? Must be good to be the Speaker.
Oh look, it's the Gentleman from Arizona, or his floating head at any rate wearing a cream colored tie no less. He should have let his Bloggerette daughter dress him.
8:45 p.m. -- 'Grand Gaffer' Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi take their places while everyone else continues to try to file into the chamber. The Attorney General will be watching the proceedings from an undisclosed location ... in the event of an emergency.
8:40 p.m. -- The Senators are now traveling, two by two, to the House Veal Fatting Pen, umm Chamber. Whomever is the last Senator to leave, please turn out the lights.
The first 'well-duh' observation of the evening by Floyd Norris: "There are no easy solutions."
8:33 p.m. -- We interupt this chattering to cut to camera three for a gratutious shot of President Obama's departure from the White House in his spiffy new ride.
8:30 p.m. -- Hey, we have a financial system problem. Who knew?! Statuary Hall is perfect for a political perp walk. Congresscritters twittering pointlessly about how they turned up two hours early to get good seats for the show. Ugh!
Oh look! A gapper's block on the floor of the Senate. Could it be any whiter? And there's Joe Liberman talking to Andrew Jackson.
8:25 p.m. -- Cajundog millionaire, at 37, will be offering his audition for the next election this evening. "He's meant to symbolize the new face of the (GOP)."
8:20 p.m. -- Military economy is linked to the economy. Please, what planet does Foukara live on? It's all off the books spending anyway. Obama will get the money to spend on Afghanistan from the same place that Bush got the money to spend on Iraq: from the next 10 generations.
Our Man George Mitchell is the go to guy for middle east peace. Oh, and forget that two-state solution in the Middle East for awhile, it's deadlocked.
8:15 p.m. -- Floyd Norris of the New York Times has no neck. Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal looks like an 'alien gray' wearing a mop. Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana will offer the rebuttal for the GOP.
It's Al Jazeera's Abderrahim Foukara. The crash of oil prices has affected the psychology of the Arab Wall Street and the fear is that Americans will buy less and send prices down even further.
8:10 p.m. -- Your debt is now more than $10 trillion. Expect the GOP to taunt Obama as a tax and spend liberal, despite their own credibility deficit that is now about as steep as the Federal debt.
8:05 p.m. -- Why do we CARE what the reaction on Wall Street will be. They screwed up the economy. The taxpayers are bailing them out. Their only response to being told to jump ought to be "Sir! Yes Sir! How high sir!"
8 p.m. -- After a day of conjecture and 'what to expect' it is T-1 hour. The nattering has begun in earnest.
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