10:54 Virginia has just gone for Obama! What were the odds of that? Hockey dads are to blame. And so are the plumbers.
10:50 Who's ready for a Cenak Attack!
10:45 Charles Ogletree thinks Michelle Obama will make a great first lady. He apparently has a great jump shot.
10:39 Welcome to the Mouth of Madness, the Escher-like hell that is McCain headquarters thanks to one Samantha Bee.
And Aasif Mandvi from the Pakistani Border. Apparently young terrorists prefer Obama. Go figure.
10:34 The Bradley Effect ... what Bradley Effect?
10:31 "Actually Live!" Colbert is live blogging and twittering and the election. Hmmm ...
10:25 Patronage vs principle is what did the GOP in according to Steve Forbes. One five minute Indecision 2008 interview was more interesting than an equivalent period of panel time on CNN. Why is that, especially when Missers Stewart and Colbert have no Magic Board?
10:23 There seems to be no time delay on the Indecision 2008 program as a "shit" got through. Jon: "The crowd is going for the animal abuse jokes."
Steve Forbes explains why McCain is losing: The credit crisis.
10:15 McCain is 10 percent cork. It's Jason Jones at Obama Headquarters in "Bambi" land. John Oliver is so much more entertaining than David Gergen. There's nothing quite like a turd-pounder with cheese.
10:05 Jon Stewart: "We've lost a lot of candidates in the back of that Olds."
10:04 Cockatoo. Roscow
10 Dick Gephart set on fire and blown up in the intro. Coool!
9:56 Back to the panel. David Gergen has dominated the panel. Now it's a comparison of the two sets of crowds and a discussion of the idea of "the real America." Joe the Plumber is the subject and how he doesn't represent that America.
WARNING! WARNING! VOTER ALERT WILL ROBINSON! Utah and Kansas go to McCain and Iowa to Obama. The leaderboard reads 89 to 206 Obama.
Now to the real coverage on Comedy Central.
9:55 Let go of the "Perfect Storm" metaphor already! It's been done to death. Let it go! This metaphor needs to be outlawed.
9:50 WARNING! WARNING! VOTER ALERT WILL ROBINSON! New Mexico goes to Capt. Hope and Louisiana will go to McCain. The scoreboard reads 199 Obama and 78 McCain. The Popular vote has a 320,000 vote spread.
Looking ahead to 10 p.m. there ought to be another major set of polls closing. John King, apparently only the guys get to touch the Magic Boards, just took 10 minutes of our valuable time to demonstrate how even if McCain succeeds in sweeping middle America, he won't win the left coast state and can't possibly get the 270 electoral votes to win.
If Meghan McCain needs a shoulder to cry on ...
9:37 WARNING! WARNING! VOTER ALERT WILL ROBINSON! Here's that important projection we were promised just before the commercial break: The Wolf is howling that Obama will take O-HI-O. The score is now 194 to 69 with Obama close to finish this game.
Florida, Virginia and North Carolina are really close. Campbell Brown still hasn't gotten to touch the Magic Board.
Back to Grant Park where we can now hear Madam Malveaux on her mic this time. Back to Phoenix where Dana Bash has it much easier since the ambient decible level is decidely lower. She's reported that they've turned the news off at the Biltmore. Figures.
9:24 There is an awful lot of white hair in these panels.U.S. News and World Report's poor Geogia Borger kept trying to jump in but kept being drowned out. Do the panelists get to keep their official CNN laptops?
WARNING! WARNING! VOTER ALERT WILL ROBINSON! West Virginia goes to the Gentleman from Arizona. Might as well, it's dirt poor. Hank Williams is playing "Born to Boogie" at the Biltmore on an acoustic guitar to an unenthusiastic crowd. Sad really.
9:16 So you're working for the GOP and your party is having its ass handed to it and the evening is just starting. What the hell do you do? A category 5 blamestorm is likely just around the corner. John Sununu is being shown the door by the new Democratic Senator from New Hampshire.
WARNING! WARNING! VOTER ALERT WILL ROBINSON! Mitch McConnell in Kentucky is staying in the Senate.
9:12 The Senate is now at 52 percent Democrats vs 33 percent to the GOP. Indiana is still up for grabs! Florida is still in question.
WARNING! WARNING! VOTER ALERT WILL ROBINSON! The Gentleman from Arizona takes Georgia with a massive landslide by 60 percent with 34 percent of the vote counted. God that music is annoying. 52 percent of the vote has now gone for Obama in Florida.
9:03 Back to voter analysis with Solidad O'Brien. The touch screen stopped working, whoops!
It's that obnoxious heavy metal music again. That must mean it's new results. Why heavy on the guitars and drums? Why couldn't we have a classical score?
Bill Bennent: "What Bradley affect. Our country's grown up."
A change in the perception of the nation both at home and abroad if Obama wins.
8:58 The Wolf is calling Alabama for McCain! Oh it was expected. Bummer. UH! Wait we may have something indicative of a trend.
WARNING! WARNING! VOTER ALERT WILL ROBINSON! New Electoral vote numbers. 174 votes for Obama and 49 for McCain. The magic number is 270.
8:55 The analysis of candidate performance by county after its votes have been counted seems fairly pointless. Who cares if McCain underperformed in a county he won?
Anderson Cooper has joined The Wolf and we've returned to the five-headed panel. Oh yah ... And why are there all of these people walking around in the background? Who are those people and why are they there? And here are the other four including the bald James Carvell. Nice shine on the back of the head. Three white men in suits and this poor African American woman sandwiched within.
Nobody thinks McCain has much of a chance at this point.
The Wolf has howled again. Kay Hagen beats Elizabeth Dole in North Carolina! Near the end of this particular Senate race Dole accused Hagen of Godlessness? WTH!
8:45 The Biltmore in Phoenix is dead compared to Grant Park in Chicago. That's got to suck.
8:36 Why doesn't Campbell Brown get to touch the Magic Board?
The Wolf is howling again, must be new numbers. Pennsylvania is projected to go to Obama. The numbers are now 102 electoral votes to Capt. Hope and 34 to the Gentleman from Arizona.
8:30 Post-grads voted for and handed New Hampshire to Obama despite the work that the Gentleman from Arizona put in to keep it in his pocket. That's got to hurt. Campbell and King are giving up some color commentary and playing with the voter board. You'd think this was the Superbowl.
It's coming down to Warner vs Warner in Virgina. I keep waiting for King to accidently hit the "Reset All" field.
8:25 There's a sizable ticker. The Dems have captured 45 Senate seats so far this evening and the GOP have retained 29 seats. 30 percent of the precincts are in and Obama is ahead 53 to 47 percent in Florida. And our next very special guest is David Axlerod!
"What's you're game plan" cries the Wolf. Axelrod: "He's going to speak when we know something."
"This really isn't about luck," said Axelrod.
Following the bit about superstitions comes the bit about the passing of Obama's grandmother. Could we please move on to the next poor sacrifical lamb to be dragged before The Big Bad Wolf. We're bored. Even the cats are bored.
8:15 We're seeing a pattern. Testing a trend. McCain is underperforming King George. The touch screen is really neat. It looks like they've decided to take something from sports reporting. They have tags that allow them to change the data by year for comparison. Indiana is filling in. It's Stupid county's turn on the big board.
Grant park is packed. Susanna Malveaux has a new mic. Yippie! You still can't hear her/
8 p.m. 270 is the magic number. So far it's 8 states 77 electoral votes for Obama and 2 states and 34 votes for McCain. They have a very obnoxious call up for their campaign results. The Wolf is howling out the results while letting the votes come in yet.
"We're going to be conservative and count the votes."
7:55 VOTER ALERT! John McCain is expected to carry South Carolina as expected. Vermont projected to go to Obama. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Who wins there will win the election. Unless they don't.
7:50 The CNN magic board analysis sliced and diced the exit poll data earlier in the evening prior to the availability of real numbers. This included much silliness. In crunching the numbers discovered that 2 out of 3 voters who immigrated from Omicron Persei 8 said they voted for the Gentleman from Arizona based on last minute autodialers that claimed that Joey was Obama's favorite candidate on "Friends."
7:45 Never ask a correspondent to set the scene when you have approximately 1 million Chicagoans standing behind you.
"When will we know?" "What is it that we're looking at?" "What we're looking at is real numbers."
7:33 Silent major vs silent minority? Post-facto exit polls? How many analysts does it take to change a light bulb. New Florida math - Obama is now ahead.
7:30 The magic board with 12 percent of the precincts reporting in Indiana, McCain and Obama are running neck and neck at 52 to 47 percent and Marion, Monroe, Lake, Porter and LaPorte have not yet reported in.
Florida numbers are suspect: Uh huh.
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