On deck for
this coming Friday it'll be in this corner, the Gentleman from Arizona and in this corner, it's Captain Hope. We'll be presented with two different visions: Bush 3.0 vs the World of Tomorrow. With the race so close, it's hard to know which way this will go. Stay tuned.
The race shouldn't be close. 95% of the people will get castrated if McCain wins. Only 5% of the population will get what they deserve if Obama wins. They shouldn't ask us to feel sorry for rich people. We don't. We have no problem with the fat cats paying up. Most of them have so much money they or their children's children wouldn't be able to spend it in 2 lifetimes. I look at the McCain rallies. The people I see there don't look rich to me. Why are they there? The McCain/Palin ticket is not going to help them. Palin's pretty face is not going to put food in Sally's lunchbox. McCain's war record is not going to pay the electric bill. The people there just look foolish to me. And if they are there just because the McCain/Palin ticket is Caucasian that means they are racists, even though they try to deny it!
Just being logical.
Do you really think that Obama represents the little people? Sure, McCain is wealthy...so is Obama. I don't care which one can afford more houses, they both can buy more than you or I ever will. McCain has a long history of bucking the system in DC, much to the dismay of both parties. He also has been part of the problem, but has admitted as much, and has worked to redeem himself by becoming an agent of change. What has Obama done? His only bipartisan work is on bills with very left leaning Republicans. Not my idea of someone willing to reach out. McCain has reached across to work with far left Democrats on numerous occasions (unless you think Ted Kennedy is a right winger). Obama keeps saying "change", but he's never worked to make change in Washington or even in Illinois. He helped keep corrupt politicians like Stroger and Daly in power in DC, instead of fighting for change. He may be able to fool 47% of the people at this point, but not those of us who really pay attention, or are not so ideologically left leaning that we don't care if he's corrupt. And please, don't throw out the race card to blue collar supporters of McCain/Palin. A much smaller percentage of whites support McCain because of his race than of African Americans who support Obama because he's black. Many blue collar whites support Republican tickets every election, not just this one. You just prove your own ignorance with such statements.
There's nothing logical about your small-minded ignorant comment.
I can't wait for the debate.. however it is a shame that the VP debate has been dumbed down to account for Palins inexperience. If she can't handle the full monty, it just goes to show that there is no way she can handle the position of VP which will throw much harder challenges and opposition her way. I feel that the American people deserve better and am very disappointed in the decision.
Being inexperienced at debating doesn't mean you can't lead. She has much more leadership experience than Obama, who's short stint in a couple of legislative positions are not even close to the "buck stops here" executive positions Palin has held.
This works in Biden's favor as well, as alluded to in the article. It gives him less time to put his foot in his notoriously large yapper.
By the way...all you Dems that think a Governor has no foreign policy experience, thus they cannot lead the nation...did you vote against Bill Clinton for those same reasons? Or did you give him a pass on that inexperience? I figured you did.
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