Going into the convention portion of the election, chatter abounds. Much is a consequence of the absence of declared vice-presidential candidates -- and nobody votes for a candidate based on a veep anyway. Conservatives and Democrats are uncharacteristically united on one thing: they do not like
the idea of McCain Lieberman. And even the overseas press is trotting out the same names for a possible Obama veep:
Joe Biden, Tim Kaine and Evan Bayh. Then of course there's the horse-race aspect with different polls showing how it's
neck and neck, and
arms, legs and neck. There also is all the "analysis" over how
a candidate's style -- specifically Captain Hope's -- may not be sufficient to win the election when the conventions haven't even happened yet. Or how
the number a candidate's homes -- specifically the Gentleman from Arizona's -- is the only thing preventing a complete collapse of the housing market. All of this chatter so that that the media can fill idle hours that might be better spent doing actual, but more expensive journalism.
McCain should choose James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, as his VP. My friend Dr. Dobson will lend the venerable vulnerable old-man McCain real credibility, especially with the Jesus-friendly folks of the South, and other generally ignorant folk.
McCain knows exactly how many houses he has. His lack of memory due to age kicked in conveniently when asked that question. I'm not buying it. What we found out is that he is also a liar. It is being touted that he has 10. If it is being said that he has 10, than he has 20! (Where there's smoke there's fire!) His position here is like a person who has never had a baby. Until you do, you have no idea what it feels like to give birth. No one can explain it to you with any honest accuracy. McCain is out of touch with most of us because he has never been poor. He cannot lead us because he doesn't really understand who we are!
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