Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Musharraf shuffle

It seems that Team Bush is standing behind its man and "good ally" Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf (ironically, also a friend of the Daily Show). They're not the only ones though. Saudi Arabia sent it's intelligence chief to Pakistan to argue for a "safe exit" for the embattled president who finds himself facing possible impeachment. On Saturday, Musharraf was given his two-day notice to either walk or face parliament. A preliminary draft is already written up and the dominant party is ready to proceed. But first, there may be a confidence vote come Monday. And the two sides continued to negotiate as Musharraf wants immunity if he steps down and both sides are arguing over what immunity means. And while Team Bush may stand behind its man, it's clear they're not in a hurry to have him hang in their crib if it come to that.

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