While executive compensation keeps going up, so does the unemployment rate. Both of these issues have landed on Congress' doorstep. The labor sector has shed 232,000 jobs in three months and that's setting off the kind recession alarms that both the deaf and unemployed can hear. House Speaker wants to do something about it, thank you very much. She's asking Team Bush to work with them on another stimulus package, which will almost certainly lead to the preprogrammed Team Bush response: Make our tax cuts permanent. The bright spot in this mess is that if you filed your taxes before April 15 and had direct electronic deposit done, your End of the Bush Presidency Rebate should land in your account between May 2 and 16, providing you still have a bank account, or a bank for that matter.
Oh, by the way, while people were losing their homes in the subprime meltdown, Merrill Lynch can-exed E. Stanley O'Neal and replaced him with John A. Thain who apparently got a whopping $83.8 million in compensation. Imagine that.
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